Multiply Maine
Planting & Strengthening Biblical Churches Together
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to seeing a gospel preaching and gospel reaching church in every community in Maine.
Speak, sing and share with churches about church planting and multiplication
Scout communities to pray and determine need and missional strategy
Train churches, church planters and core groups to start simple, biblical, multiplying churches
Develop and mobilize partners to experience church planting in Maine
The proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of the people of Maine, and all peoples;
The strengthening of the church in Maine, and all gospel-centered churches;
The planting of gospel-centered and gospel-sharing churches in Maine;
The encouragement of those who are called to these above tasks;
The glory of God
Coach, encourage and pray for church planters and pastors
come alongside Maine churches to become multiplying congregations
partner with existing churches, families and groups to be on mission with us in Maine and back in their community