Multiply Maine
Planting & Strengthening Biblical Churches Together

Roger & Caroline Ferrell serve as missionaries with Multiply Maine. They moved to Maine the first time in December of 1997 to plant SouthCoast Church in the Portland area. They moved back there a few years later to start Kennebec Church in Augusta. Since that time, Roger has helped start dozens of new churches in the US and Canada as a regional missionary in the SBC and now serves as the Director of Multiply Maine and coordinates church planter coaching in Maine for the Baptist Convention of New England (BCNE). He and Caroline both serve on our board and have been consulting with churches and nonprofits for over 25 years.
The Ferrells live on the Boothbay Peninsula in Maine where Roger serves as a pastor at Anchor Church (www.anchorboothbay.com). They have been married for 30 years, and have homeschooled four children: Bennett, Sam, Emmie and Isaiah. They love hiking, homesteading, exploring new places, playing music together and lots of good books.
Multiply Maine Board Members
Tony Foeller serves as the Pastor/Elder at Cornerstone Church in Cascade, Iowa. (www.cornerstonecascade.com) Tony has been a Pastor for over 30 years, and was the Church Planter/Lead Pastor at Harvest Church SI in Southern Illinois. He and his wife, Cheryl, are parents to 3 great kids who are all married. 8 beautiful grandchildren round out their family!

Brad Jones is the pastor of CityChurch Pompano, a 7 year old church plant in South Florida (www.citychurchpb.com) Brad was called to church planting while serving with the Ferrells in Maine some 15 years ago! He and Mandy have 3 wonderful kids who keep them busy!
Charles Vaughan has recently retired from a career as a Project Controls and Planning Supervisor at ExxonMobil. Charles served as a founding elder at Noel Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and is now a member at Creekside Bible Church in Castle Rock, Colorado where he and his wife, Lynda, have relocated. Charles and Lynda have 4 fantastic kids, 3 of whom are married, and a 2 beautiful grandsons.